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1937-1941: Oil heat was installed, a Junior Choir was organized and a lot on Bay Street was purchased when Rev. Morris M. Ward was pastor.  St. James was packed during both the morning and evening services.


1941-1947: Rev. Yancy L. Sims was pastor when the first microphone was installed.  The History Committee was organized, and the Memory Book was introduced.  During these years the St. James Senior Choir gained renown for its magnificent singing and was invited to appear at Boardwalk hotels and other famous venues. 


1947-1948: Rev. A. Chester Clarke, the next pastor, erected a cross outside the church.


1948-1955: Rev. T. E. Harper served.  The construction of the Annex began and the first women were appointed to the Steward and Trustee Boards. 


1955-1958: Rev. Roscoe C. Henderson, who served, continued the work on the Annex. 


1958-1964: Under the leadership of Rev. Henry A. Hildebrand, the church sold the old parsonage, purchased a new edifice at 1253 Monroe Avenue and modernized the interior of the church. 


1964-1972: During the administration of Rev. James K. Baldwin, the Pastor’s Study was established on the second floor and the property from 101 to 107 North New York Avenue was purchased.  The Bright’s Villa Apartment Complex was purchased. 

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